A Little Appreciation Goes a Long Way
Post - A Little Appreciation Goes a Long Way
Few have been able to escape the negative impacts and effects of the Covid-19, the national pandemic. Through it all, day in and day out, home health care aides have been out on the front lines carrying out their duties and caring for patients.
With all their hard work and daily sacrifices, do your aides feel appreciated by your agency?
There are little things agencies can do to make employees feel recognized and appreciated.
Incorporating incentives programs that benefit your employees will help boost morale. A few programs to consider:
- Same day pay
- Advanced training and professional development
- Access to new smartphones and data plans
- Personal messages from coordinator or director highlighting their efforts and the agencies appreciation
These initiatives can go a long way with your employees and will show them that your agency appreciates them. Let showd.me help your agency stand out and start implementing these today!
Reach out now to learn how we can get your agency set up with these programs!

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