The Integration That Will Save Your Agency Hundreds Of Hours A Year!
Post - The Integration That Will Save Your Agency Hundreds Of Hours A Year!
To work at maximum efficiency, home care agency need to ensure that they are working with the latest and most up-to-date information about their aides.
The question then becomes, how much time and effort does your home health agency spend manually entering data into various systems?
The constant back and forth and cross-referencing is a process that can be repetitive and oftentimes tedious! It’s time your agency stops spending countless hours every week on manual data entries. Now, imagine we told you our new integration with HHAeXchange just automated the hundreds of hours of your home care agency workload!
With Showd.Me’s integration with HHAeXchange your agency can now
- Ensure that showdme has the latest information, daily, on your employee information, such as phone numbers, active status and compliance requirements
- Capture all yearly in-service training in HHAx automatically
- Pay codes instantly sent to HHAeXchange to ensure timely payment
There has never been a more perfect time to start rolling out compliance automation. Office closures can make it almost impossible to track compliance and training, but there’s no reason for that. It’s time we let the software of today stop tomorrow’s headache.
Reach out to learn more about our integration with HHAeXchange today!

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