Showdme + AlayaCare
Take a completely hands-off approach when it comes to compliance training. Our real-time, bi-directional integration with AlayaCare helps your organization save time, drive compliance, streamline documentation, and ensure pay accuracy.
Automate Training Enrollment & Assignment
Save time and ensure accuracy by syncing employee demographic info from AlayaCare directly into Showdme to automate user creation and training assignments based on your pre-configured rules.
Seamlessly Track & Document Training Hours
Ensure accurate documentation of compliance with real-time syncing of training completions from Showdme to AlayaCare.
Ensure Accurate Compensation For Training
Automate an associated payroll event in AlayaCare to ensure accurate payment for time spent training.

Let Us Show You More
See how showdme's unique service-first approach to training helps hundreds of healthcare organizations ensure compliance. Request a demo today!